Monday, October 19, 2009

Freudian Slip, or Just Really Optimistic???

Today the Man Child asked to watch a DVD that I haven't seen since Fox was in pull ups.

He brought it to me and garbled " I watch asbdaksd asdlasd???'


Again, "I watch asdasd asdasdfskdjfh?"

Thinking that this was a prime opportunity to work on his still-limited vocabulary, I corrected him saying "It's POWER RANGERS"- emphasizing each syllable slowly.

He obviously really grasped on to my teaching moments because he started the sentence again, this time making every word clear as a bell.

"I watch power wieners?"

Sure kid. Close enough.


  1. that's so funny...and believe it or not... there are a few of us who have a missed reading your blog! get to it!

  2. Man girl, I love you forever for saying that!
